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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The three Jeremiah Sankeys of Centre County, PA 1800-1865

How did I sort them out?
I used three methods of sorting the Jeremiahs, location consistancy, parents and spouses names. There were three Jeremiah Sankeys (one has the middle name of Asher not Alexander) that lived in Centre County at the same time (I used the census records first):

1. Jeremiah Alexander Sankey is born in 1842 he would have been 18 in 1863 or 22 in 1865. I can't find any record of my Jeremiah Alexander Sankey 's Civil war service probably because he is listed as a member of the Centre County Militia 1862 (Linn History of Centre County) He served in the militia.

2. Jeremiah Sankey was 27 years old in 1864 (as corporal) Company L- Regement 3, Artillery, 4-752 Bates reference (shoemaker, deserted on July 22, 1865)

3. Jeremiah Asher Sankey was 25 years old in 1862, the card records him dying at City Point, VA 3-25-1865 of wounds received in action, from Potter's Mills, PA (1st Serg.) Company F- Regiment 3, Artillery, 4-597 Bates ref
(this one was a Farmer from Potter) Also referred to as Jeremiah A. Sankey.

Do you have a research story about several people with the same name you are searching for? How did you sort them out?

Monday, November 1, 2010


New analysis on "The Mystery Parish of Ballaymeath, Londonderry, Northern Ireland" on my website. I have been working on this on and off for about a year. This work discusses GT Ridlon's Riddell book in regard to his mention of Ballaymeath, Londonderry, Northern Ireland and why it is probably Coleraine, Londonderry, Northern Ireland as the place of origin for my line of the Riddell family.