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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Riddell family of Roxburgshire Research

I have been researching my Riddell lines from of Roxburgshire, Scotland (Borders area).

This family seems to be intermarried with the Scott family also of this area.  In Hawick there is a new Family Research archives, see this post by the Scottish government:

Borders Family History Society

Google Books (Free)
The Covenanters of Teviotdale and neighbouring districts
 By Duncan Stewart, John Smith (Minister of Denholm.):

 Archibald Riddell is on page 61 to 76 and a mention in connection with Semple on page 77.
 The other information I have is not as complete on Archibald's life as in this account. Archibald Riddell's connection to the Sir Walter Scott family is also detailed.  Blackadder was exiled to a rock with Riddell for preaching the gospel with him.  Teviotdale is in Roxburgshire, Scotland (in the Scottish borders area). 

Archibald Riddell is also found in the National Archive of Scotland:
1680-1729 regarding examination:  "Copy of examination of Archibald Riddell before the committee of the [Privy] Council.  Gives questions to put Riddell anent preaching in the fields, by Lord Linlithgow, the lord advocate, the justice clerk." [ Reference GD237/20/27] October 1, 1680.  It is believed that by this time my ancestors who are related to this branch went to Northern Ireland, Londonderry County possibly Coleraine. But what I do not know is when they left Roxburgshire. 

Goldielands which was called "Glen Riddell" was located on the Teviot river, North of Hawick. This family of Glen Riddell was a friend and patron of Robert Burns. I am still sorting out all the marriages and relationships in that area and will post more on this branch later.