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Friday, May 28, 2010

San Diego County Library , Vista Genealogical Reference part 2

Part 1 covered some reference books about military service, census and the Revolutionary war. In Facts About American Immigration by David M. Brownstone and Irene M. Frank (2001) I found general information on the immigration of different ethnic groups. The book covered Native Americans, Restrictions on immigration and immigration from Europe. the countries covered were Britain, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Germans, France, Netherlands, Scandinavia, Italy, Poland, the former Yugoslavia, and Jewish immigration. This work also contained immigration from Asia, the Americas and Oceania. The appendix of Facts About American Immigration an appendix with tips for genealogy, NARA, the Soundex and a glossary of immigration terms. This may be a useful book for someone who is just starting to research an immigrant ancestor, it provides general background on immigration by ethnic group.

Also in the Vista reference section: R (before call number means Reference)
929.4 Our Sacred Identity: Indian Names
929.4 First Name Reverse Dictionary
929.40973 Black Names in America
Black's Surnames of Scotland
929.373 Passengers to America
929.4 British family Names

Vista's newspaper collection includes the San Diego Union Tribune on ProQuest--1983 to present from NewsBank. They have the Fallbrook Enterprise 1915 to the present and the Vista Press from 1926-1973. The Fallbroom Enterprise and the Vista Press are on Microfiche.

Genealogists will find some familiar genealogy titles in the reference section as well such as: Kemp's International Vital records (R929.3) and New England Court Records by Rapaport (R929.3)

San Diego County Library , Vista Genealogical Reference:

I have been looking at local resources. I thought I would start with the San Diego County Library in Vista, California. The following is not a library catalog but a list of genealogy resources available in this library.
Are you searching for...

Revolutionary War Ancestors?
Call No: R303.64
Three Volume Set - Revolutionary Movements in World History, Encyclopedia of the US (NARA)

Background on the Census?
Census Catalogs for 1790-1780, 1900, 1910 and 1920
call no: R304.60973

Military service and/or medals? Do you have any Civil War photos?
R355.134 American Badges and medals
R355.14 Uniforms of the Civil War by Philip Haythornwaite (1990)
R355.14 Civil war Uniforms, A Photo Guide by Philip Katcher (Photos and detailed chronologies)
R317.3 Your Guide to Federal Census by Kathleen Hinkley (2002)
R355.14 US Army Headgear by Edgar Howell
US Government Printing office's Catalog of US Army Uniforms in the Collection of the Smithsonian Institution Volume 2 (1975)
R355.140973 American Civil War Armies 4, State Troops: for each state there are photos and illustrations by Philip Katcher and Don Volstad (Men at Arms Series) (1987)

Part two will be about Facts About American Immigration which is a book by Irene M. Frank in 2001. Indian names, First name Reverse dictionary, Black names, American Family names, Immigration, Newspaper resources at the Vista Library and genealogy books.

ProGen Study Group, SDGS visit to North County

Our ProGen Study group is starting in June. I am looking forward to meeting my group on Friday at Jamboree.

A small group from SDGS will come and visit in North County tomorrow. We will take the tour of the Leo Carrillo Ranch, eat Mexican food and go to the Georgina Cole Library in Carlsbad.

I still need to get a Hawaiian shirt for Jamboree. Aloha!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Response to Randy Seavers Saturday Night Gen Fun Matrilineal Line

1) List your matrilineal line - your mother, her mother, etc. back to the first identifiable mother. Note: this line is how your mitochondrial DNA was passed to you!

2) Tell us if you have had your mitochondrial DNA tested, and if so, which Haplogroup you are in.

3) Post your responses on your own blog post, in Comments to this blog post, or in a Note or status line on Facebook.

My matrilineal line starting with me:
1. Gwynn Socolich (me)
2. Living Sankey (my mother)b. Racine, Racine County, Wisconsin
3. Alice Dahlberg 16 Feb 1910 - 28 Apr 2004 ( born in Waukegan, Lake County, Illinois and Died in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
The next two persons are the subject of my biographical piece "Dutch Origins":
4. Katherine DeYoung (DeJong in Dutch)(b 16 May 1889 Racine, Racine County, Wisconsin; death 9 October 1972 Racine, Racine County, Wisconsin)
5. Susan Kramer (dutch name is Sytske) Geboorteakte Het Bildt,(Frisland, Netherlands) 1863 Aangiftedatum 9 september 1863, akte nr. 178, geboren 9 september 1863. (b. 9 September 1863 in Sint Jacobiparoche (Parish), Het Bildt, Frisland Netherlands) cause of death: typhoid fever; 1 September 1889 in Racine, Racine county and is buried in Mound Cemetery in Racine.
6. Maartje Dijkstra (listed on birth certificate of Systke Kramer)

My father's mother's line:
1. Gwynn Socolich (me)
2. Living Malcolm born in Findlay, Hancock County, Ohio
3. Beatrice Wilma Ward born 12 July 1903 probably in Brandon, Knox County, Ohio died on 12 Nov 1973 in Findlay, Hancock County, Ohio.
4. Anabel Graham born 13 November 1872 in Mount Vernon, Knox County, Ohio and died in 2 December 1952 in Mount Vernon, Knox County, Ohio.
5. Rebecca Behanna born 12 January 1844 in Monogahela, Washington County, Ohio and died 30 March 1901 in Mount Vernon, Knox County, Ohio.
6. Susan Applegate

I have not had my matrilineal DNA tested. I have birth and death certificates for my mother, Alice Dahlberg, (Wisconsin delayed birth certificate for Katherine, and Susan (aka Sytske) DeJong or DeYoung.