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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Busy Summer! Jamboree in June

I went to Jamboree in June. It did not seem to be as crowded as in past years.  I bought a paper copy of the syllabus but then I had to carry it! I was a hefty lug.
Some of the topics this year were:
Genealogy Cloud, WIKIs for Genealogy, Upstate NY Midwest, Flipboard, Wills and Estates, Navy/Marines, Google Search Strategies, Widows/Orphans, Low German Mennonite, Treasury Records, Eastern Europe, African American Genealogy, Writing, Manuscript Collections, DAR website, Colonial Migration, Land Records, Google Earth, Scottish Military, Copyright, Weather (and your ancestor), Goldrush, Mexico and Early Ohio.  This is not an exhaustive list but it gives you an idea of the topics.  Jamboree is usually held the first weekend of June. This year there was a separate DNA conference that preceded Jamboree. 

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