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Monday, June 14, 2010

Jamboree 2010, Part 3 Other meetings and Internet Resources

During the course of the three days of Jamboree, we took a group photo for the ProGen Study group and I attended my first Association for Professional Genealogists meeting in which I joined the Southern California Chapter. The vendors offered discounts on books, services and software as they usually do every year. This year Ancestry offered scanning on their high speed scanner but they had some problems when the power went out in our building for a few hours on Friday.

We took the train back to Oceanside and arrived at seven pm on Sunday.

Internet Resources:

Lisa Louise Cook: Genealogy Gems

Guild of one Name Studies

Jean Wilcox Hibben

Arlene Eakle

Unclaimed Persons

Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak

1 comment:

Michelle Goodrum said...

I've enjoyed your posts on Jamboree. I'm hoping to be able to go next year.